Castle Rock Colorado Genealogical Society

Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

For class details, visit our Education Page

Facilitators: Laura Schuck and Chris Hansen
Learn about the latest DNA developments, testing options, tools to help you analyze your results and much more. We have studied The Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy by Blaine Bettinger, and are currently reading and discussing Research Like a Pro with DNA by Diana Elder, Nicole Dyer, and Robin Worthlin.
DNA SIG will be taking the summer off! Please join us every 1st Wednesday from 10:00 AM to noon in the fall.
Go to Member Login, then Class Registration

Tech SIG
Facilitator: Emily Hansen
Join our newest Special Interest Group, a discussion/interactive group about computers and genealogy, as we explore the many facets of technology that affect and enhance our genealogical work product.
For April, May, and June, Noel Ferre will facilitate the group with discussions of Family Tree Maker.
Join us every 3rd Thursday from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM.
Go to Member Login, then Class Registration

Colonial America SIG
Facilitators: Pam and Jim Caruso 
This group has ended.
The handouts for this group are still available. Do you have Colonial ancestors or think that you might? This group studied Colonial America from the settlement of Jamestown to the Revolutionary War, so check out the handouts.